Work with me

Adult Psychotherapy

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a type of treatment that involves talking with a qualified mental health professional to help you manage your feelings and improve your life. I will always welcome you with warmth, care and compassion and listen to you with empathy, acceptance and without any judgement.

Psychotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and trauma. It can also help you learn new coping skills, develop positive thinking patterns, and build healthier relationships. In short, it is a way to work on improving your mental health.

During a course of one-to-one sessions, we would meet regularly for several weeks or months, giving you a personal and private space to discuss your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and discover new ways to manage your emotions.

You may also be asked to do homework outside our sessions, such as practising new coping skills or keeping a journal. Psychotherapy aims to help you feel better and function better in your life.

How does working with me work?

The first step is to have a free 15 minute initial conversation to see how I can help you.

Then we book a 90 minute, face-to-face assessment. During this assessment, we will discuss your goals for therapy and what you hope to achieve. You and I will then develop a plan that you can take to reach your goals with confidence.

Therapy is not just a conversation, it's about building connection, trust and mutual respect. I will help you connect the dots between your past and present so that we can create something more powerful for your future self.

Usha talking with a client one-to-one

The path to growth and healing is often difficult, but can be made easier with the right therapist. I will act as your guide through this process by listening deeply while summarising what you have said in order for us both to understand it better. Throughout every session we will be able to make informed decisions together about how best achieve your goals - whether they pertain directly towards therapy or personal development outside its boundaries altogether.

What's the next steps?

Book a welcome call with me to see how I can help you and talk you through the next steps as we work together.

What people have said about working with me

This is a biiig shout out for Usha Chudasama! I'm taking my son on her workshop "Your Happy Child" and I find it to be amazing! Usha is so knowledgeable, professional, and in the same time so kind and approachable! Thank you Usha from both of us!

- Dusanka Popovska

Blake said he found ‘ being able to relax’ in the sessions very useful and said he felt ‘happy because we did fun things’. Usha was very knowledgeable and gave us insightful information on why Blake was acting in certain ways.  It felt like we were working as a team to support Blake. With Usha’s help and the techniques she gave us to try at home we have had a real turn around.

Picture of Usha Chudasama
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